Good Morning Everyone!!! I am so excited to be able to share my wonderful news with all of you!!! I have been ready to burst at the seams!!! LOL!!! I am joining the wonderful ladies at The Forever Night Challenge Blog Design Team!!! I was one of the lucky ones chosen to be apart of Term 1 for 2012!!! Wooo Hooo!!! Look out big bad blogging world... they letting me on the loose!!! LOL!!! Be sure to stop by and check out all of the wonderful ladies that are joining the team (or you can look to the right on my sidebar... I have everyone listed)!!!

I am on Team A! But, we also have a Team B!

As always thanks for stopping by, I am so glad that you decided to share in my wonderful NEWS!!!
Have a wicked day!
congrats Sara
Congrats I know you will you will have an awesome time they are a great bunch of ladies to work with:)
Awesome news Sara! Woo hoo!
Congrats Sara!! I am happy for you! I dont know how you handle all of these things! You go girl!
Lindsay xx
Such happy and exciting news! Completely delighted for you! I look forward to checking out your new work.
Congratulations Sara!!
WoWza Sara - that is awesome. CONGRATULATIONS. xxx I am sure you will be an asset to their DT and I know you are going to have great fun making your creations for them. Well done - and greatly deserved. :-D xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
CONGRATULATIONS! You are going to knock their socks off!!! Have FUN!
Yay! Congrats, I'm so excited to be playing with you over at Forever Night :)
CONGRATS SARA!!! You deserve this! Have fun!
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